MEGA ZULFY LESTARI, NIM. 1910547 NIM. 1910547 and Dr. Imam Satibi, M.Pd.I, NIDN.2123027201 (2021) PEMIKIRAN MULTIKULTURAL KH. ABDURRAHMAN WAHID PERSPEKTIF BUDAYA MUTU EDWARD SALLIS. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama ( IAINU) Kebumen.

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Mega Zulfy Lestari, NIM: 1910547, Pemikiran Multikultural KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Perspektif Budaya Mutu Edward Sallis, Tesis, Program Pascasarjana IAINU Kebumen, 2021

Pembangunan bangsa mengalami disintegrasi sosial terlihat pada isu intoleransi di lingkungan sekolah maupun masyarakat. Isu intoleransi di lingkungan sekolah mengindikasikan bahwa sistem pendidikan Indonesia belum menemukan jati dirinya. Pendidikan bermutu menciptakan SDM unggul dan mampu menjawab kebutuhan akan kondisi masyarakat yang plural. Pemikiran multikultural KH. Abdurrahman Wahid perspektif budaya mutu Edward Sallis perlu dikaji untuk berkontribusi menyelesaikan problem pluralitas di lingkungan sekolah.
Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dengan pendekatan literer. Metode yang digunakan adalah historical research untuk mengungkap biografi sang tokoh dari segi kehidupan maupun pemikirannya dan metode content analysis untuk mendapatkan inferensi yang valid. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menganalisis data primer dan data sekunder.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsepsi pemikiran multikultural Gus Dur terkait dengan pendidikan meliputi menghargai budaya lokal, menegakkan demokrasi dan HAM, berbasis kemanusiaan dan keadilan, dan menghargai pluralitas. Multikultural dalam pendidikan menjadi sebuah strategi diimplementasikan dalam proses pembelajaran untuk menghargai heterogenitas dan pluralitas dengan menjunjung tinggi nilai kebudayaan, etnis, suku dan agama sehingga keadilan hak individu untuk mendapat pendidikan yang layak terlaksana. Pemikiran multikultural Gus Dur memiliki keterkaitan erat dengan budaya mutu Edward Sallis. Budaya mutu multikultural Gus Dur perspektif Edward Sallis meningkatkan kohesitas SDM sebagai aset utama penentu mutu suatu lembaga pendidikan.

Kata Kunci : Multikultural, Gus Dur, Budaya Mutu, Edward Sallis, SDM


Mega Zulfy Lestari, NIM: 1910547, Multicultural Thinking of KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Perspective Quality Culture’s Edward Sallis, Thesis, Islamic Education Management, Postgraduate IAINU Kebumen, 2021

The Indonesian nation experiencing social disintegration seen on the issues of intolerance in the school environment as well as the community environment. The issue of intolerance in the school environment indicates that the Indonesian education system has not found itself closely related to the quality of education as an effort to create superior human resources and able to answer the needs of a plural society. KH. Abdurrahman Wahid's multicultural thinking in quality culture review needs to be reviewed to contribute to solving plurality problems in the school environment.
This study uses library research with a literary approach. This study uses historical research methods to uncover the biography of the character in terms of life and his thoughts and content analysis methods to get valid inference. Data collection techniques by analyzing primary data and secondary data.
The results showed that Gus Dur's conception of multicultural thinking related to education includes respecting local culture, upholding democracy and human rights, based on humanity and justice, and respecting plurality. Multiculturalism in education becomes a strategy implemented in the learning process to respect heterogeneity and plurality by upholding cultural, ethnic, tribal and religious values so that the justice of an individual's right to a proper education is carried out. Gus Dur's multicultural thinking was closely related to Edward Sallis's quality culture. Gus Dur's multicultural quality culture edward Sallis perspective increases the cohesion of human resources as the main asset determining the quality of an educational institution.

Key Words : Multicultural, Gus Dur, Quality Culture, Edward Sallis, SDM

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Multikultural, Gus Dur, Budaya Mutu, Edward Sallis, SDM
Subjects: A General Works > AI Indexes (General)
A General Works > AI Indexes (General)
Dewey Decimal Classification Subject Areas > AI Indexes (General)
Divisions: S2 PASCASARJANA > Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 18 Jan 2022 02:27
Last Modified: 18 Jan 2022 02:27

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